Bridging the Gap between Artists’ & Collectors of Fine Art

Advocation for Creative Communities and Businesses

Lorenzo Swinton Gallery exists as a conduit for creators and collectors of the art world; our mission is to build a foundation that can serve our artists, clients and community through innovation, networking and creativity.

A Black-owned art gallery located in historic downtown Clarksville, Tennessee; Lorenzo Swinton Gallery has built its foundation on collaborating with surrounding businesses, independent curators and galleries, a diversity of underrepresented and underdeveloped artists in their respected forms, while also supporting individuals who seek out to use art as a way of healing.  

In opening our doors to the Clarksville community, local patrons and enthusiasts of the arts in 2023, we have provided a gallery space for Tennessee local and regional artists to showcase their unique talents through our development of monthly group curated exhibitions. Through research, networking and collaboration with local downtown businesses affiliated with art events and selection of diverse creatives, our gallery has focused on supporting the arts within our growing city as well as national. 

As we organize and design our curated events, we do so to bring to its downtown location art experiences of social standing, economic changes and diversity. We support this through inclusivity for all art practices and forms and networking with like-minded individuals with a vision of supporting artists. Our art programs and exhibitions are designated to affect alternative and reflective changes inside our everyday lives, helping our community engage in understanding and reflecting on past, current and future events in the ever-changing world. 

Areas of Practice

Artist Exhibition & Events

Our Gallery is committed to creating atmospheres of diversity and inspiration through carefully selected themed works exhibited from emerging to well-renowned artists throughout the U.S.

Consultation & Curation

Believing in the importance of art to client relations, we provide the experience of connecting collectors with art that brings rejuvenation and significance to their homes or businesses.

Art Focus & Direction

Our Gallery is driven to create both independent and collaborative work environments that invites artists to develop processes and artistic approaches for future opportunities.

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